Lot of workouts to update...
Man I slacked on this all week and I have no excuse for it.
8/15 was Superset Saturday and it lived up to the billing. Scheduled for a 16-exercise set and I made it through 9 or 10, which was my third set of bench press. My chest felt like it was going to explode.
First bench set was a 10-8-5-3-2 with inclining weights.
Then 3-x-10 on the hammer strength incline
3-x-10 pec flyes
3-x-10 reserve flyes (rear delts)
Back to the bench for 3-x-8 at 155
3-x-10 pullovers with a shoulder top
3-x-10 sit down row
Back to the bench for another 3-x-8 at 155
Back to hammer strength include for a 3-x-10
Then a dumbbell include at a 10-8-5-3-2 inclining weights.
And I tapped out before the fourth set of bench.
So I took 8-16 off and did light work on 8-17, mostly cardio and a few sets of dumbbell curls and other band work.
8-18 I did a 7-exercise set. Two sets of Lat pulls, barbell curls, dumbbell curls, sit down row, upright row, shoulder shrugs. Good stuff.
Took off 8-19 and did about 30 minutes of cardio 8-20 and prepping for a superset Saturday tomorrow. Hopefully I'll reach 10 exercises.
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