Sports Office Chatter...
Location: The Newsroom.
Topic: Brad Pitt's Love Triangle..
Corey (while watching a clip of Angelina Jolie): I tell you, Jolie can put every woman to shame any day she feels like it.
Ted: Sometimes she can be freakish, but when she wants to dress up she can be breathtaking. Not sure what she sees in Brad Pitt though.
Corey: Hell it's got to be step up from Billy Bob. I like him as an actor, but the guy always looks like he's recovered from a 36-hour Marlboro binge.
Slick: Man Halle Berry saw something in Billy Bob she liked.
Corey: Yeah, what the fuck man? Maybe Billy Bob needs to write a book on how to be ugly as fuck and still bag women. Hell I'd buy it tomorrow. I never knew the "I haven't shaved in 11 days" look was so appealing.
(Slick laughs)
Ted: You know men understand why Pitt dumped Jennifer Aniston for Jolie but it seems to make women mad. Why is that?
Corey: Because Jolie is the one they all love to hate.
Slick: Why would any wife let their husband spend two months filming anything with that woman? I guarantee they were hitting the sheets less than a week into filming. Even Brad knows he only lives once.
Corey: Exactly and trust me if I'm Brad Pitt, I'm running a train through Hollywood. Jolie, Jessica Alba, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson...We all live once but only a chosen few get to bang any woman they want on the face of the earth.
Ted: A few.
Corey: Yeah a few.
Ted: Brad Pitt and who else?
Slick: Apparently Billy Bob Thornton.
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