Bipartisan Issues...
I'm talking with Reverend Evan the other day and he's telling me how much he hates Jeb! Bush. This is odd considering he really seems to like GW Bush, but he hates Jeb because he's so bad on education and transportation.
Evan even wrote Jeb! a letter after driving from NY to Florida and complaining about how bad Florida roads are.
This got me to thinking, there are a couple of issues that are across the board bipartisan where both sides can agree what sucks. What are they?
The only one I could think of quickly was poor roads. Everyone hates gridlock, everyone hates riding down shitty highway roads, everyone hates constant construction. Cam actually has it better than me because I-75 isn't as bad as the infamous I-4, but still we can all agree that everyone hates bad road conditions (except Jeb! apparently)
So what else out there is truly a bipartisan issue or close to a bipartisan issue.
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