8'o'clock hour is upon us...
...and I'm not as confident as I was yesterday. I'm sure I'm just worrying too much.
CNN just had the Ed Gillespie hour. He was wearing the super toolish mouthpiece, I have no clue what he said, probably the same shit he says all the time.
But I love that guy, he looks thrilled to be here. I bet he's annoying as fuck, he's always checking on the president's whereabouts and the secret service wants to shoot him once this is over. I'm sure the average conversation goes like this.
Gillespie: I need the pres' 20..
SS Man: He's in his office...the same place he's been for the last forty fucking times you've asked...Leave us alone you dork!
Gillespie: Thanks guys.
8 p.m. is here and Kerry gets funky like a monkey. First Bush takes more of the deep south with Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and Oklahoma.
Kerry grabs New Jersey, Connecticut, Michigan, Maryland among others. I'll do a full state total shortly. Scoreboard is tenatively Kerry 77-66
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