Sports Guy Strikes Again...
Gotta love Page 2 columnist
Bill Simmons...He hits me with this gem.
Speaking of foreign NBA players, when they're interviewed during games, don't you get disappointed when they don't live up to the stereotypes of their respective countries? Like Tony Parker -- when Michele Tafoya grabs him, he should quickly slip on a beret, start chain-smoking and say rude things to her. Or Manu Ginobili -- he could quickly put on one of those white Miami Vice drug-dealer suits and smoke long cigarettes. Dirk Nowitzki could wear a lederhosen with a feather in his hat. Pau Gasol could put on one of those purple man-blouses and a cheesy black leather jacket. And so on. I think ratings would skyrocket. It would be especially fun watching them put the costumes on.
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