Teachers Gone Wild...
...Obviously Florida has its fair share of teachers who have been willing to cross that line.
But in
this community, it's gotten a little outrageous.
One quote really stands out for all the wrong reasons:
"I knew that she had sex with another student, so why not me?” the former Vian student told police. "She put off the vibes. I hit her up about it, and she did it.”
What kind of student actually calls a teacher on something like that?
It actually made me think. I was chatting with my mom a couple of days ago about my elementary school days in Brooklyn and how much my 4th grade teacher was in love with me (and for good reason, besides being incredibly handsome, I was a great student).
Anyway during the parent-teacher conference she's got her arm around me, rubbing my head, etc. etc. all while talking to my parents. The weird thing was, back in the mid-80s, this was reassuring and not at all strange. 20 years later poor Mrs. Weiner would've been canned for such an overt display of innocent affection.
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