Do I Need a Caretaker...
...every so often I like to assess where my personal life is. Who I see, what they do, how they live, if everything worked out (usually no).
So when I go to the "what they do" section I got this feedback:
Nursing student
Dental Hygentist
Physical Therapist
911 Dispatcher
Dentral Hygentist
Skip the lawyer for a second and geez that's a lot of women in the health profession. And when I venture back even farther, I find more nurses and the such. Why is this? Now at first it made sense. I worked the third shift on a job and nurses (and emergency dispatchers) work equally moronic hours so it made for the easiest pairing. Of course I'm more of a
9 10 to
5 3:30 worker these days so I should be able to break out of this trend.
I guess I find comfort in the caretaker types. Isn't that what most men want anyway? Someone to take care of them. I mean we talk about wanting independent women but what we mean is we want women who will work all day AND take care of us. And own all their own shit. Yes, that's independence :)
Labels: Women
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