Real Men of Pop Culture...
...because occasionally men need to get over too.
Nick Lachey, who's last album just went aluminum, is looking to get
paid. He wants half her cash and all his jewelry. Sure it'll make him look like a prick, but if he gets 20-25 million in assets for it, who cares what the people think?
Besides, the main reason they didn't sign a pre-nup was because he was earning more than she was at the time of their marriage. Needless to say, ol Daisy Duke isn't as dumb as she acts, with the potential of a lot of lost income now and in the future, she's willing to give him a
second chance.
My favorite man of the pop culture minute has to be K-Fed. His album drops like soon man! And that new single 'PopoZao' has everybody
singing along! However, if you're expecting Mrs. K-Fed to kick some verses, it ain't going down like that. Matter of fact, I'm not going to
speak for K-Fed when K-Fed can speak for K-Fed.
"We have collaborated," he said. "But I'm not going to put the songs on this album because it's like, 'Respect me first; then I'll show you what I've done with my wife.'"No thanks K-Fed, I don't think anyone wants to see what you've done with your wife. Except for Mudge, he'll be all over the sex tape.
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