Winger -- "Medley": Now there's NO question that this is a hair band. Hell these guys lived and breathed the hair-band area. Talentless hacks you say? Well maybe, but I think their drummer is actually like a professor at Berkeley or something.
Anyway, I can't get enough of these guys and Kip Winger might've been the best hair-band lead singer ever when it came to performing in a music video. Count the number of pirohuettes that he does in an average song. Like 50? Plus don't you love how he stops playing bass and spins the minute the camera is on him, like he's hiding his riffs or something.
Now the reason for the medley is because I can't decide which Winger song I like better. Technically they had four "hits" but "Seventeen" is the definitive song due to the disturbing topic of Kip, who was at least 33, digging on a 17-year-old groupie.
However, I'm more partial to "Madalaine" because I think it's a better song...although I wonder if Kip is singing about the same chick in both songs...Anyway, the video is WAY more cheesy and fun (and cheesier than "Seventeen" is saying something). Kip is at the peak of his full smile, pirohuetting glory and the band just seems like they are having the time of their lives. Think any drugs were involved?