Post-Hangover Syndrome
Jack Black: Man I'm hung over
Kid: Are you drunk?
Black: No...I'm hung over, which means I was drunk yesterday.
Yes, I'm working after a strong Wednesday night. I normally don't go out on Wednesday's but now that I am working day shifts itis a little easier.
Before you ask, day shifts are different in the journalism world. As long as I get to work between 9:30 and 11, I'm working a day shift. When it comes to filling out timecards, my profession is the ultimate hustle.
So some quick random club musings before I get down to my serious topic:
-- While I still love the black boots that go over the calves, my new favorite female club clothing has to be the jean skirt. I mean the jean skirt is just a great classic. I'll always have a special place in my heart for the boots, but I love the jean skirt.
-- Nothing funnier than watching white guys dance to hip-hop than look at me and immediately stop. Like they are disrespecting me or something.
-- When it comes to this particular club, there were quite a few 10s, unfortunately the majority of them were made up of ten 1s.
-- I'm Mike Jones (who?) Mike Jones (who?) MIKE JONES DAMN IT!!!
-- As a big guy I hate the fact that skinny ass kids where 2XL shirt out. Nothing pisses me off more than some 5'7, 120 lb punk where a shirt four sizes too big for him.
-- Did I mention my love of the jean skirt. I mean is the jean skirt ever going to go out of style? Of course not.
Ok, on to serious topic. And I need some quick feedback for this since this column is due in about five hours.
I'm writing about Bush. I've never written publicly about the president before. I'm such a detractor of him that I never wanted it to interject in my writings. However, with the recent happenings with Rafael Palmeiro I feel obligated.
Actually the president should've felt obligated. He should've felt disappointed or upset or angry. After all he was lied to as much as anyone else. Chances are this wasn't Palmeiro's first time and chances are he has been doing this throughout his career, including his time in Texas when his employer was…George Walker Bush.
So shouldn't Bush have had something more to say about Palmeiro than "I fully support my friend". Support him how? Palmeiro isn't being accused of taking illegal drugs, he failed the test. He cheated. It’s a done deal.
Bush could've said he was disappointed, shocked, concerned, upset, etc. and not completely ostracized his friend. But instead he just showed support. Support for what?
Now I understand that steroids are number 242 on a list of 100 things to do for a president while we are at wartime. But this was a focal point of his 2004 State of Union address and this was the first time he really had the opportunity to make a statement so that every clean American athlete knew that he was on their side. Instead he took the road of evasion. On one the few issues that his detractors and supporters could agree on and he let all of them down.
That's the jist of my column. The challenge is going to be to keep it less political and more direct to the subject. The difficulty is that people will read it as political regardless. I'm hopeful that I can write it in a way that everyone will understand my point.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
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